About us

Closed Stock Company PLUNGES JONIS was founded in 1992. An industrial base with store­rooms and mechanical workshop was settled in Plunge Lithuania.

PLUNGES JONIS builds railway approach lines and branches, car streets and roads, builds and reconstructs bridges and viaducts, mounts internal and external engineering system, renovates and constructs land improvement systems, hydro technical buildings, landfills, treatment plants, residential houses. PLUNGES JONIS recover industrial buildings and lay industrial floor with chemical and mechanical resistance.

PLUNGES JONIS has enough industrial resources and experience to do any other building works, no matter how complicated, assuring their high quality and satisfying the needs of customers. Every year PLUNGES JONIS annual turnover is rising and now it is over 8 million Euros. The Company employs 250 employees.

PLUNGES JONIS is a member of Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists, Association "Lietuvos keliai" ("Lithuanian roads"), Association of Lithuanian Companies for Melioration and a member of the Association of Railways services enterprises GELPA.

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